Tuesday, November 14, 2006

seanbee - super sensitive - abuse with caution

As you can tell from the badge on the right, I have a flickr account. If you don't know what it is, it's a site presumably for photo-sharing, but is also a forum for groups with common interests.

I administer one of these groups. In looking it over, I noticed an image that didn't quite fit in. It was a bird atop a chimney with a rainbow coming down on it. It was seriously over-doctored. And rather than delete his image, I commented on it. I told him it was like a supermodel to me - too doctored for me to find beauty. I said it was like jon benet ramsey - something made up to be something it wasn't. Meanwhile, everyone was fellating him saying how gorgeous it was.

his handle is seanbee and he's a self-pleasuring 62 year old that is a member (and I mean member) of groups such as "girls kissing girls". Poor old sod, gotsta get it from the net - a wanker for real.

Anyway, I get to work and there's an email from him:

:: Dont come back

Really appreciate the comments - thank you all and @derekmas - your comments are very apt. i take on board all you said. I love the way you dress your little monkey as a baby - tho far far far too many pics. I also love the principle and application of free speech - works both ways

I had to start a new account just to reply. I said:

Sensitive, aren't we? I saw your image in a group I administer, but your image didn't belong. Rather than delete it, I commented. Sorry, it looked fake to me. As for free speech, you are free to speak to me, but leave my daughter out of it. I don't know if you're a spiritual person, but you just insulted the daughter of a priest.

And yes, I do have a lot of pictures of her. It's the only reason I have a flickr account. I post images so family all around the world can keep up with her development and download pictures as they please.

Perhaps you should start a new group called Positive Feedback Only - a sit-in for sensitive types.

So then he replied...



Re: your flickrmail

I withdraw my observations about your daughter and apologise to her for them. You were right.

However i still think you are an arsehole so this time don't come back

Yeah! I'm an arsehole! My first inter-continental insult! Anyway, go check out his images and leave negative feedback. He's super-sensitive (like a chaffed glans), and will probably both delete your comment, and block you... twice.


Anonymous said...

Hi, guantanamera121212

Anonymous said...

не факт